Choices In Love.

Some words from my journal.

Over the past days I’ve been thinking a lot about the choices we make in this life, and in love. Reflecting a lot on past relationships, and making decisions to stay or leave. Choices are never easy, especially in the realms of love.

I’ve found myself time and time again to be standing at a crossroads of love. Love for myself, and love for another. So many times over, I chose love for another. I stayed because what I felt was so deep, all encompassing, that I was too blinded to see that staying meant losing myself. That staying meant loving another. But in loving another, I was hurting my own heart.

Forever faced by the paradox of joy that comes from seeing someone you love, basking in your love, and the pain that comes from staying in something that is not serving you. Something that is taking more than it is giving back. Something that carries endless potential, but is a humbling reality in this moment.

Over again, through heartbreak, and tears, and choosing the harder path, I always came back to the love I have for myself. That above all else, no matter how much you love someone, you should love yourself more. And in some cases, that means leaving. Cutting ties and moving forward and giving yourself the space to heal. Because leaving means healing, as much as staying means healing. But in leaving, you choose yourself. In setting boundaries and taking space, you are loving yourself.

Art by Casey Lee (Instagram - @casey.leeee

Art by Casey Lee (Instagram - @casey.leeee

If this speaks to your heart, take a moment to drop into your Self, your body, your heart.

Are you staying out of love for another, or out of love for yourself?

Are you staying because of the potential something carries, over the reality of what it is?

How can you choose yourself, over and over again?

The choices we make create our reality. They carry us forward in the evolution of our own being. They show Spirit whether we are fully in our self worth, or if we are still falling into the same patterns. This in turn affects the lessons we are presented with, the opportunities we are given. So choose wisely. Choose with love. Choose from your truth. From your heart.

If this post resonated with you, share it with a friend, or pop me an email sharing your experiences navigating making choices in love. I would love to hear about your experiences, so please don’t feel shy to reach out, and share your thoughts on this post.

All love



The Resurfacing & Healing of Old Patterns.