The Subconscious Mind.

Online Workshop Series

Over the next four months Tatjana will be running a monthly online workshop series on the subconscious mind, and the role that it plays in our beliefs, patterns, and behaviours. Join Tatjana in one, or all, of these online spaces to deepen your understanding of Self, begin the process of rewriting the narratives you hold, and step into more aligned behavioural patterns


These interactive workshop will incorporate theory grounded in neuroscience and psychology, with embodied experiences and guided journeys into the subconscious mind. All workshops will be conducted via Zoom, with recordings being made available to you after the workshop.

They will provide you with the tools and resources to practice more Self awareness and therefore begin to catalyse change within the Self, and begin to create your reality from a place of clarity and connection

Workshop 2 - The Subconscious Mind & Our Patterns in Love. 

The choices we make in love are hugely influenced by our subconscious mind. As humans we will create relationships and seek out partners who mimic our beliefs and subconscious wiring around love, intimacy and our self worth. Many people find themselves in unhealthy relationships that they believe are based on love, but in actual fact are them replicating their negative relational conditioning.

This workshop will create a space for you to begin to untangle the beliefs you hold around love, reflect on your patterns in love, and empower you to begin to show up in your intimate relationships from a place of authenticity and ease. 

Date: Wednesday 24th April at 6pm - 8pm CET 

Price: €33 

Workshop 3 - The Subconscious Mind & The Narratives We Hold Of Our Body. 

Many of the beliefs we hold about our body stem in the conditioning we have received throughout our lifetime. These beliefs can often create a disconnect from the body, which manifests in many different ways, including lack of self-confidence, internalised body shame, disordered eating and body dysmorphia. 

In order to heal this relationship with the body it is essential we understand the beliefs we hold, and acknowledge them with compassion, which creates the space for us to rewrite them by harnessing the power of the subconscious mind. This allows us to  step into a more empowered, connected way of Being. Join this workshop if you are ready to heal the relationship with your body, and feel more comfortable within your skin. 

Date: Wednesday 29th May at 6pm - 8pm CET 

Price: €33 

Workshop 4 - The Subconscious Mind, Worthiness & Our Beliefs Around Success.

How we feel about ourselves and what we are worthy of is largely embedded in our subconscious mind. We actively create our reality based on what we believe we are worthy of. Therefore, those of us who hold limiting beliefs around our worthiness will often not achieve the success, financial or otherwise, that we yearn for. Others may believe they need to achieve in order to be worthy of receiving love, and often this will result in behaviours, such as overworking, which are not sustainable in the long run. 

In this workshop we will dive into these different expressions of worthiness, and how they impact our career, and other aspects of our lives. Through the guided journey you will deepen your understanding, and begin to rewrite some of these narratives, allowing you to step in a more aligned way of showing up in your career, and all other aspects of your life. 

Date: Wednesday 26th June at 6pm - 8pm CET 

Price: €33